First World Problems
So, here we are, Hump-Day Wednesday, the middle of the work week,
bemoaning the distance of the weekend … basically, sharing one big
first world problem together.
A new survey scoured the interwebs for our most common complaints, among
we the privileged, and what we like to complain about.
I tried to write the post 3 times because the computer I’m on kept freezing up
and one time even shut down completely when I set my cellphone on top of the
PC case. 4th time was a charm though. #firstworldproblem
Weird Al Yankovic also nailed it in one of his songs, titled,
you guessed it…..First World Problems:
So according to the survey, (which you can find HERE)
What ARE the Top 10 First World Problems?
Let’s find out….
- Having a runny nose.
- Getting a call from an unknown number and not knowing whether to answer.
- Getting stuck on hold with customer service.
- UPS or FedEx leaving a note that says they missed you instead of just leaving the damn package.
- People who don’t follow proper etiquette in lines.
- Not having Wi-Fi.
- People who sell stuff door-to-door.
- Having a bad signal on your phone.
- Not being able to find the end on a roll of tape.
- Wanting to log into an account but forgetting your password.
How about YOURS?
What are some First World Problems that YOU or your friends have encountered?