Microsoft Flight Simulator E3 Reveal – Incredible!



Rob Jenkins

Check out the new Microsoft Flight Simulator, revealed at E3.. with realistic weather, cities, moving cars
and other lovely graphics…

I’ve been playing Microsoft Flight Simulator Online (FSX) for years, and it still holds up.
It’s my one supergeek pleasure – flying aircraft online with realistic instrumentation,
filing flight plans, learning proper FAA terminology, and joining  real pilots and ATC controllers
in VATSIM training servers. It took a while, and specifically, an actual invitation to get there.

These are the servers that, as mentioned before, are populated by real airline pilots
and air traffic controllers for educational, practice and training  purposes.   And of course, disciplined hobbyists
like myself. My own reasons might be tinged with the vanity of maybe someday being the one to raise my hand in
an emergency situation at 30,000 feet to say “Yes, I can land this plane.”
Let’s just put it this way.  You don’t goof off in a VATSIM servber.
If you decide to invert your airliner or buzz the tower in a VATSIM server, you will get PERMA-BANNED,
and your IP address will get black-listed, never to fly in a pro-server again. They don’t fool around there.
I’ve “lawn darted” my 727-800 enough times (killing all on board) to be handled with extra care and attention
by any given ATC ( They know my aircraft aka AirCanada-420 as a liability now), but when you’re trying,
the pros will step in to help you, provided you’re not a complete muppet, trying to land upside down etc.

So when you step down to the public-servers.. you get this kind of tomfoolery on a consistent basis
And if the 2019 Flight Sim is limited only to consoles.. you can expect a whole lot of this from the new version.

Hey, at least it’s not model trains  we’re playing with yet, right?

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