Storming Area 51: Prediction?



Rob Jenkins

So my friends and I got to talking about the ridiculous online plot to “overrun Area-51” in
September and what kind of trouble one foolish enough to partake could expect.

And this clip (warning: NSFW language. As in a TON of Swears + loud noises
and very painful bruises) happened to enter the discussion.  I mean.. a rubber-
ball cannon exploding  projectiles at 500 feet a second would be preferable to actual bullets
But it’s almost a given that an army facility would have some kind of anti-crowd
countermeasures in place. And if they don’t already, then they have  over 2 months in which
to INSTALL SAID COUNTERMEASURES while the raid is being planned in

While they’re at it, the Area 51 Aliens and Scientists have quite a bit of time to
cart off anything of interest, assuming that there’s anything there at all.
NOBODY is going to stumble across  anything of interest when that distant day approaches.
It’s like a house party getting 4 hours notice that they cops are on the way,
better roll those kegs out the door..

Again… this is an accurate preview of what to expect on September 20th…
(Again.. salty NSFW Language.. It’s Jackass after all)

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